Please visit my services page for an outline of ways we can work together.

News and Upcoming Events:

October 2024

Friday, October 25, 7:00 pm
Federation of the Art Song, Fellowship Finals
Miller Recital Hall at the Manhattan School of Music

Performing with mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes in the FAS Fellowship Finals. Program to include works by Clara Schumann, Claude Debussy, Francesco Santoliquido, and two songs from my cycle As If Saying Goodbye. Program is free and open to the public.

November 2024

Thursday, November 14, 2:30 pm
Joy in Singing Competition Finals
Scorca Hall at Opera America (NYC)

Once again I’ll perform with mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes in the finals of an art song competition, this time a 30-minute program to include music by Clara Schumann, Olivier Messiaen, Carolina Uccelli, Francesco Santoliquido, and Tom Cipulli, with two songs from my 2020 cycle As If Saying Goodbye. Free and open to the public!


I’m always happy to hear from you about possibilities for commissions, performances, collaborations, master classes, and other opportunities.

7 + 1 =


Mailings are very infrequent!  Please sign up here:


Past Events


Sunday, September 15, 7:30 pm
Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean St, Brooklyn
In Person & Livestream
A solo recital with some of my own work as well as standard repertoire.
Bach-Busoni Chaconne
Katz Encaged (2018)
Brahms Händel Variations
Katz Trace (2013)
Katz Ipseities, No. 24 (2021)
Franck Prélude, Choral et Fugue

Thursday, June 20, 7:30 pm
Dixon Place, NYC
I’ll perform my Ipseities, No. 6, with Alison Cook Beatty Dance on a mixed program curated by Sangeeta Yesley. I wrote this work for Alison during the COVID shutdown for what would become a dance film, but she more recently reworked the choreography for live performance. The dance has been premiered with a recording, but this will be the first (public) performance with live music.

Sunday, May 5, 3pm
I’ll perform my Ipseities, No. 6 (plus a few other things), with Alison Cook Beatty Dance on a private program in Manhattan.

Saturday, February 24, 7:30 pm
Arts On Site (NYC)
Alison Cook Beatty Dance is presenting a reconstructed version of her work set to my Ipseities, No. 6. Originally a COVID-era dance film, it will now be performed live, though my music will be pre-recorded.


Sunday, June 25, 7:00 pm
Soapbox Gallery, Brooklyn (livestream and in person)
Periapsis Music and Dance’s special closing event, with a preview of the last work we developed, The Sad Clown Paradox (music: Escapades), plus a look back at our activity over the past decade. I also premiere the last piece from my Ipseities project.

Sunday, June 4, 6:00 pm
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim, Charleston, SC
Violinist Yuriy Bekker and pianist Marika Bournaki perform my Berceuse as part of the 2023 Piccolo Spoleto Festival.

Saturday, May 20, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm
VOLTA Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavillion

Final performances with the same performance artist, who performs three multidisciplinary works with music I’ve written for her. At 1pm, a retelling of the Psyche myth in ballet pantomime with harpist Kathryn Sloat; at 4pm, Frederic Tuten’s monologue “A Walker in the City” with violinist Charlotte Munn-Wood; at 7pm, a work on sacred geometry and circular time with mezzo-soprano Sophie Delphis.

Friday, May 5, 8:00 pm
Beckett’s, NYC
One more show at Beckett’s with a performance artist. Her presentation is inspired by Scriabin and his interest in light and color (along with Russian Futurism, Theosophy, etc.), and I’ll perform a new solo work written for her multidisciplinary exploration.

Friday, April 21, 8:00 pm
Beckett’s, NYC
A preview performance of “A Walker in the City,” a monologue by Frederic Tuten. My contribution is a new solo violin score, to be performed by Leah Asher.

Saturday, March 18, 8:00 pm
Beckett’s, NYC
I’ll be performing again with a multidisciplinary performance at Beckett’s underground performance space. The world premiere of my Interpolations, which incorporates a Mozart fragment into a hybrid work for her unique project.

Friday, February 3, 8:00 pm
Beckett’s, NYC
I’ll be playing a transcription of Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise for a performance artist, who will perform a ballet pantomime. The event is a fundraiser for TENSE literary magazine and will feature various other performances and readings.


Saturday, December 31, 8:30-10:30 am (ET)
My Berceuse will be broadcast on WPRB 103.3FM, Princeton, as part of an annual Viva 21st Century marathon of 100 new works, presented by Marvin Rosen. Performed by Emily Popham Gillins, violin, and me at the piano. You can listen on the radio if you’re in range (NJ, parts of DE, PA, and NY), or online at the link above.

Saturday, September 24, 7:00 pm (MT)
Thompson Recital Hall, Salt Lake City, UT
Kate Marriott Mitchell premieres the viola version of You were of that light, written to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Georgia Marriott’s passing. The program is titled “Remembering Georgia” and is a free recital presented by her family and friends.

Wednesday, June 22–Sunday, June 26
Ted Shawn Theatre
Jacob’s Pillow
I’m performing Gershwin for Sara Mearns & Joshua Bergasse for the opening show of Jacob’s Pillow’s summer season. Titled America(na) to me, it’s a mixed program commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival. Six performances.

Tuesday, June 7–Thursday, June 30
UNBEKNOWNST, Periapsis Music and Dance’s tenth season, is available to rent online. I have three new works on this program, collaborations with choreographers Gabrielle Lamb, PeiJu Chien-Pott, and Evita Zacharioglou. And I performed Annie Nikunen’s What kind of land will we be together in? with Melinda Faylor, set to Da’ Von Doane’s choreography. My work for PeiJu, for solo cello, was performed by special musical guest (and old friend) Jeffrey Zeigler.

Saturday, May 21, 7:00 pm
Sunday, May 22, 3:00 pm
Mark Morris Dance Center
James and Martha Duffy Performance Space
3 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn
Periapsis Music and Dance presents UNBEKNOWNST, our season 10 shows. We’ll premiere three new works of mine, in collaboration with choreographers Gabrielle Lamb, PeiJu Chien-Pott, and Evita Zacharioglou. Additionally, I’ll perform a work by Annie Nikunen, who collaborated with choreographers Da’ Von Doane and Rohan Bhargava.

Friday, April 29, 6:30 pm
Arts On Site, 12 St Marks Place, NYC
An encore performance of Ipseities XIX with choreographer/dancers Maggie Joy and Erin Maher, this time on a Ukraine Benefit curated by Gabrielle Willis.

Sunday, April 24, 7:30 pm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Ave, NYC
I’ll be performing with dancers from New York City Ballet for a Works and Process event focused on a new ballet by choreographer Silas Farley and David K. Israel.

Thursday, April 7, 8:00 pm
Friday, April 8, 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 9, 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 10, 3:00 pm
Dixon Place, 161A Chrystie St
Emily Solo performs an excerpt of my work From Century to Century in the cabaret portion of New Camerata Opera’s production of Kamala Sankaram’s opera The Infinite Energy of Ada Lovelace.

Saturday, April 2, 6:30 and 8:30 pm
Arts On Site, 12 St Marks Place, NYC
I’m performing Ipseities XIX with choreographer/dancers Maggie Joy and Erin Maher on a program curated by Maggie.

Friday, February 11, 8:00 pm
Saturday, February 12, 8:00 pm
Sunday, February 13, 7:00 pm
Wednesday, February 16, 7:30 pm
Friday, February 18, 8:00 pm
Saturday, Feburary 19, 8:00 pm
David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center
I was the solo pianist for Andantino, with New York City Ballet, the New York City Ballet Orchestra, and conductors Andrew Litton (first three performances) and Andrews Sill (last three). Andantino is a pas de deux setting by Jerome Robbins of the slow movement of Tchaikovsky’s first piano concerto, and it appeared on an all-Tchaikovsky program that includes Balanchine’s one-act version of Swan Lake.


Sunday, November 14, 7:00 pm doors, 8:00 pm livestream
Soapbox Gallery, NYC
For Periapsis Music and Dance’s season 10 benefit, I performed my own solo work Reflection, plus Annie Nikunen’s 4-hand work What kind of land will we be together in? with Eleonor Sandresky.

Wednesday, October 20, 8:00 pm
Cary Hall, The DiMenna Center for Classical Music
As a recipient of a City Artist Corps Grant, I’m presenting a free program of my music with some wonderful guests, including dance performances through Periapsis Music and Dance. Featuring Erin Dillon (choreographer/dancer), Emily Popham Gillins (violinist), Maggie Joy and Erin Maher (choreographers/dancers), Zara Lawler (choreographer), Chris Lysack (tenor), and Annie Nikunen (flutist/dancer). This program is made possible by the New York City Artist Corps.

Thursday, September 30–Sunday, October 3
Theater at St. Jean, NYC
On a program produced by Audrey Ross of historic choreography, I performed as pianist with dancers Valentina Kozlova, Christine Dakin, Arthur Aviles, and PeiJu Chien-Pott, as well as members of Limón 2 and Sokolow Theatre/Dance Ensemble.

Thursday, August 19, 8:00 pm EDT
JHK Virtual Premieres #2
Join me for the second installment of music from 2020 premiered virtually on YouTube! The program will include three works from my Ipseities set for dance, all for solo piano, plus Apostrophe for solo clarinet.
– Valley, a film by Nicole Truzzi (Ipseities, No. 16)
– Apostrophe for solo clarinet, performed by Gregory Oakes
– Inside/Outside, a film by Davonna Batt (Ipseities, No. 2)
– A film by Cayleen Del Rosario and Aliza Russell (Ipseities, No. 18)

Sunday, June 27, 8:00 pm (in person at Dixon Place)
Wednesday, June 30 through Wednesday, July 7 (virtual)
To Take You There, with Periapsis Music and Dance
Periapsis Music and Dance returns to the stage! There are both in-person and virtual options for this show, and tickets and more info can be found on the Periapsis calendar page. I’m writing new music for choreographers Gabrielle Lamb and Alia Kache, and I’ll also be performing with choreographer/composer/dancer/flutist Annie Nikunen.

Sunday, May 23, 8:00 pm
New Vocal Music, livestreamed from Soapbox Gallery
Join me for the world premiere of From Century to Century (2021), written for and performed by vocalists Sophie Delphis, Stephanie Lamprea, Emily Solo, and Zen Wu. Zen also gives a full premiere of A Scenario in My Head (2020), a setting of tweets by Danielle Weisberg, and Sophie performs As If Saying Goodbye (2020), a setting of poems by Andrea Cohen. Rounding off the program, Stephanie will perform Sage’s Garden (2021) by composer Josiah Tayag Catalan, and Emily will perform a selection from contemporary opera.

Sunday, April 25, 8:00 pm
Periapsis Music and Dance presents Ipseities, livestreamed from Soapbox Gallery
A special livestream event produced by Periapsis Music and Dance, I’m presenting six pieces from Ipseities (2020-21), with choreographers Kyla Barkin, Ashley Carter, Maggie Joy and Erin Maher, Annie Nikunen, Marlaina Garcia Riegelsberger, and Rebecca Walden.

Sunday, March 14, 3:00 pm
Recital with violinist Emily Popham Gillins, livestreamed from Soapbox Gallery:
Stephanie Ann Boyd: Among Darkened Peonies, Op. 03
Johannes Brahms: Violin Sonata in A major, Op. 100
Edvard Grieg: Violin Sonata in C minor, Op. 45
Jonathan Howard Katz: Berceuse (2021) (world premiere)


Satuday, December 5, 8:00 pm
YouTube premiere
A virtual program of works I wrote during quarantine, including:
As If Saying Goodbye, with mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes, on poems by Andrea Cohen
Ipseities, No. 13, in a dance film (Precipice) by Jenna Charko
The Water Around Our Lives, with tenor Nils Neubert, on poems by Ben Purkert
A Scenario in My Head (excerpts), with soprano Zen Wu, on tweets by Danielle Weisberg

Thursday, November 12, 9:00 pm
Alison Cook Beatty presents her work “In Spite Of, Because Of . . . The Wallpaper” to my Ipseities, No. 6, on a Zoom program hosted by The Craft.

Sunday, November 8, 2:00 pm
The tenth piece from my Ipseities project is for choreographer Marlaina Riegelsberger, who presents her work as part of an outdoor house program with potluck reception. The event is free, but registration and strict COVID protocols are required.

Sunday, October 25, 1:00 pm
Mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes is previewing a song from As if Saying Goodbye on an outdoor porch recital in Ditmas Park with pianist Jason Wirth. Socially-distanced, of course!

Saturday, October 3, 8:15 pm
The sixth piece from my Ipseities project was for choreographer Alison Cook Beatty, who will premiere the dance she created on that work as part of a virtual program. The event is free, but registration is required. It can still be viewed here.

Wednesday, September 30
Online preview of A Scenario in My Head, a setting of 30 tweets by Danielle Weisberg for soprano Zen Wu! A video of four of them can be seen here.

Thursday, September 10, 7:30 pm
Dixon Place presents a virtual Dixon Connect/MAX4 event, postponed from March (performance video still available). I’ll be performing from my Trichord Preludes, Book I, and there will be other artists from different disciplines presenting work. Discussion/networking to follow.

Friday, August 21, 6:30 pm
I’ll be interviewed by Richard Sayama, company member of Alison Cook Beatty Dance, about the music I wrote for Alison, part of my Ipseities project. The interview will take place over the company’s Instagram Live page.

Saturday, August 15, 2:00 pm
Another virtual premiere! I worked with dancer Tanya Trombly as part of my Ipseities project, and she presents her choreography as part of an online showcase.

Tuesday, August 11
First preview of The Water Around Our Lives, my new tenor cycle to poems by Ben Purkert, released on social media. The first song, “The Past Is the Present Only Colder,” performed by Nils Neubert and Yuri Kim.

Tuesday, August 4
Another preview from As If Saying Goodbye released on YouTube and social media: “Boy in Fins,” the last song in the cycle. With mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes.

Monday, July 27
A preview of my new cycle As If Saying Goodbye, for mezzo-soprano Emily Hughes, on poems by Andrea Cohen. Released on YouTube, a quarantine recording of song no. 4, “The Committee Weighs In.”

Thursday, July 23
A virtual premiere! Choreographer and dancer Asya Zlatina releases her quarantine duet Not Yet, part of my Ipseities project. With NYCB principal dancer Ask la Cour.

Sunday, April 12, 9:00 pm
Modern Notebook Radio Broadcast
Tyler Kline hosts a special marathon of new music at 8:00 pm (ET) on WSMR, featuring 23 works by living composers and performers. The first movement of my Three Sketches on Paintings by Regina Guerrero is third in the lineup for the second hour. More info and livestream here!

Friday, March 13, 7:30 pm Postponed due to COVID-19
Dixon Place
At the invitation of Sangeeta Yesley, I’m presenting one of my Trichord Preludes at this artist gathering/performance at Dixon Place. Free entry, more info here!

Friday, February 14
PianoForte Chicago
Pianist Louise Chan discusses and performs the premiere of my Rhythmic Studies, Book I, at a Chicago Area Music Teachers Association event.


Friday, November 1, 7:30 pm
PianoFest – New Inspirations/New Works
The Chicago premiere of Crescive Waltzes at Roosevelt University’s PianoFest, with Ursula Oppens and Jerome Lowenthal, on a program with music of Corigliano and Nancarrow. Free!

Friday, August 30, 7:00 pm
Saturday, August 31, 6:00 pm
Sunday, September 1, 4:00 pm
Here and Now Labor Day Festival

Pianists Ursula Oppens and Jerome Lowenthal premiere Crescive Waltzes at Bargemusic on a mixed program of new works.

Friday, May 10, 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 11, 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm
Periapsis Music and Dance Spring 2019 Season: Oracle
At Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts at LIU Brooklyn, featuring works of mine and other composers, in collaboration with amazing choreographers. My works include Encaged, with choreographer Erin Dillon, and the world premiere of Elle ne m’aime pas, with choreographer Hannah Weber

Thursday, February 7, 7:00 pm
Periapsis Music and Dance Benefit
Performances, food, drink, raffle, and silent auction to benefit Periapsis Music and Dance’s 7th season! At Ballet Hispanico on the UWS.


Thursday, November 8, 7:30 pm
Periapsis Music and Dance at Dixon Place
Choreographer/dancer Erin Dillon and I perform the world premiere of Encaged on a mixed program featuring Paul Taylor 2.

Wednesday, June 6, 8:00 pm
NYU Tisch Department of Dance
Periapsis Music and Dance presents the second installment of their Emerging Artist Residencies, where young choreographers and composers work together to develop new work on our company, receive expert feedback, and present the works-in-progress in a studio showing. I’ll perform music by composer Hilary Purrington, who collaborated with choreographer Annalee Traylor.

Thursday, May 10, 8:00 pm
Saturday, May 12, 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm
Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts at LIU Brooklyn
Periapsis Music and Dance will premiere Epoch, a new collaboration with choreographer Erin Dillon on a program to include music by Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti (with choreographer Wendell Gray II), Leah Asher (with choreographer Janis Brenner), and more.

Friday, April 13, 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 14, 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 15, 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Martha Graham Studios
The wonderful Mivos Quartet will give the world premiere of my String Quartet (2017) with Sarah Berges Dance, original choreography by Sarah Berges.


Thursday, August 17, 6:15 pm
Jacob’s Pillow Dance, Becket, MA
Periapsis Music and Dance makes its Pillow debut with four selections from The Portrait Project, including my works Escape Velocity (with choreographer Seán Curran), Twine (with Manuel Vignoulle), and Reflection (with Katarzyna Skarpetowska).

Wednesday, June 28, 7:30 pm
Dixon Place (161A Chrystie Street, New York)

Periapsis Music and Dance presents Twine, by guest choreographer Manuel Vignoulle and composer Jonathan Howard Katz, on the series “8 in Show,” curated by Sangeeta Yesley.

Friday, June 16, 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm
GK ArtsCenter Studio 3 (29 Jay Street, Brooklyn)
Periapsis Music and Dance presents its first Emerging Artist Residencies, with culminating works-in-progress showings.  I’m performing a new work by composer Kevin McCarter, working with choreographer Angie Moon.

Saturday, June 3, 8:00 pm
Sunday, June 4, 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm
GK ArtsCenter, Brooklyn
Two works of mine will be performed on Periapsis Music and Dance’s company shows: Twine, created with choreographer Manuel Vignoulle, and the world premiere of Noesis, with choreographer Hannah Weber.

Friday, April 28, 8:00 pm
Saturday, April 29, 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 30, 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm
GK ArtsCenter, Brooklyn
I’m curating the inaugural Brooklyn Bridge Dance Festival, featuring a host of talented NYC choreographers (and one from Philly!) and including the Periapsis Open Series on its third day.

Saturday, April 1, 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 2, 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm
GK ArtsCenter, Brooklyn
Two works of mine will be performed on Periapsis Music and Dance’s company shows: Reflection, created with choreographer Katarzyna Skarpetowska, and the world premiere of Imminence, with choreographer Erin Dillon.

Friday, March 31, 3:00 pm
Akademia Muzyczna, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Winston Choi performs Europa as part of a lecture recital.

Saturday, February 18, 8:00 pm
Peridance Capezio Center, New York
Escape Velocity, a collaboration with choreographer Seán Curran, will be performed by Periapsis Music and Dance at the Pushing Progress Showcase.


Friday, December 16
Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, MA
I’ll perform a Chopin recital at a private event.

Sunday, October 9, 7:30 pm
Steps on Broadway, New York
Dancer Michaela Catherine McGowan and I will perform Reflection, a collaboration of mine with choreographer Katarzyna Skarpetowska, on a Steps Performance Lab curated by Bradley Shelver.

Wednesday, July 27, 8:00 pm
Auer Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington
Winston Choi performs Europa on a guest faculty recital during the Edward Auer Summer Piano Workshop.  Free and open to the public!

Tuesday, July 12 through Thursday, July 14, 6:00-9:00 pm
GK ArtsCenter, Studio 3, Brooklyn
I’ll present a series of music workshops for dancers and choreographers.

Tuesday, March 22, 7:30 pm
Longmire Recital Hall, Tallahassee, FL

Winston Choi performs Europa on a guest recital at Florida State University.

Thursday, February 18
Orléans, France

Winston Choi gives the European premiere of Europa as part of the opening recital of the International Piano Competition of Orléans.

Thursday, February 18, 8:00 pm
Friday, February 19, 8:00 pm
GK Arts Center

Periapsis Music and Dance presents The Portrait Project in its GKA series launch! This will include three new works of mine, created in collaboration with choreographers Seán Curran, Manuel Vignoulle, and Katarzyna Skarpetowska.


Friday, December 4, 7:00 pm
Spectrum, 121 Ludlow St, NYC

Pianist Winston Choi presents a recital at Spectrum with the NYC premiere of Europa, as well as my Novelette and a work by Esa-Pekka Salonen.

Tuesday, October 20, 7:30 pm
Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University, Chicago

Pianist Winston Choi will premiere Europa, commissioned with a grant from New Music USA, at Roosevelt’s PIANOFEST 2015, “The Pianist-Composer / Composer-Pianist.”

Sundays, July 26 through August 30, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
I’m teaching a music workshop for dancers and choreographers in the Summer Masters’ Workshop Series at the Peridance Capezio Center.

Friday, June 12, 2015, 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 13, 2015, 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Periapsis Music and Dance returns to Kumble Theater for its spring season performances. This will feature the world premiere of Anima with choreographer Erin Dillon, and the premiere of the complete Too Close for Contact with choreographer Hannah Weber. In addition, I’ll perform in Three movements around Bach, with choreography by both artists.

Tuesday, February 24
7:30 pm; Spectrum (121 Ludlow St, NYC)
Periapsis Party
Support Periapsis Music and Dance at our benefit party at Spectrum! I’ll be performing alongside some of our other artists, and there’ll be food, drink, great company, and a silent auction to support our season.

Sunday, February 22, 2015, 7:30 pm
Steps on Broadway (2121 Broadway)

Hannah Weber and I will perform Three movements around Bach, No. 2, with choreography by Erin Dillon, on a mixed program curated by Bradley Shelver.

Sunday, February 15, 2015, 7:00 pm
ShapeShifter Lab (18 Whitwell Place, Bklyn)
Another performance of Too Close for Contact in a shared bill with The Resonance Collective at this new performing arts space in Brooklyn.  Tickets are just $10 advance, $15 at the door.

Saturday, February 7, 8:00 pm
Sunday, February 8, 4:00 pm

Peridance Capezio Center (126 E. 13th St.)
This will be the world premiere of Too Close for Contact, a new work I wrote with choreographer Hannah Weber, performed by artists from Periapsis Music and Dance.

Friday, January 30
2:00 pm; Opperman Music Hall
Florida State University

I’ll perform Trace with dancer Leigh Schanfein as part of FSU’s Festival of New Music.


Tuesday, November 11
Elebash Recital Hall, NYC, 7:30 pm (free)

I’ll perform my Meacham Songs with the wonderful soprano Mary Mackenzie on a mixed program of CUNY composers.

Monday, October 6
Elebash Recital Hall, NYC, 7:30 pm (free)

I’ll present a program to include music by Bach-Busoni, Brahms, and Carter, with violinist Caroline Chin, cellist Brian Snow, and featuring choreography by Erin Dillon and Hannah Weber.

Sunday, June 8
Merkin Concert Hall, NYC, 8:00 pm (tickets: $20, $10 student)

The Da Capo Chamber Players will perform my Three Sketches on Paintings by Regina Guerrero on a program of music by young composers.

Tuesday, April 22
St. Peter’s Church at Citigroup Center, 8:00 pm (suggested donation $20)
Presented by the New York Composers Circle, my piece Crescit eundo will be performed by members of the Glass Farm Ensemble and the Bleecker Quartet.

Friday, April 11
The Old Stone House, Brooklyn, 7pm

I’ll premiere a new song cycle by Trevor Weston with soprano Pamela Stein in a program presented by the Casement Fund.

Sunday, March 23
The Firehouse Space, 246 Frost St., Brooklyn, 6:00 pm (free)

I’ve been invited to present my music on this Rhymes With Opera RWO: Salon. Violinist Caroline Chin will play Coda, and I’ll accompany tenor Nils Neubert on two songs from my cycle Talking of Michelangelo.

Friday, February 14 and Saturday, February 15
Kumble Theater, LIU Brooklyn, 7:30 pm; tickets $35, $20 ($12 seniors/students with ID) 

Presented by Periapsis Music and Dance in association with Kumble Theater, the program will include three of my pieces, plus music by Samuel Adler, Kati Agócs, Marcos Balter, Zachary Green, Felipe Perez Santiago, and Kala Pierson. Choreography by Leigh Schanfein, Tucker Davis, Da’ Von Doane, Ruth Howard, and Ursula Verduzco.

Saturday, Feburary 1
Spectrum, 7:30 pm ($12 tickets)
Violinist Caroline Chin presents a solo recital at Spectrum. She’ll play my Coda along works of Bach, Berio, Linda Dusman, and Michael Vincent Walker.

Saturday, February 1
Symphony Space, 6:00 pm

Periapsis Music and Dance presents Laid upon the children, a new work I’m creating with Leigh Schanfein, on the Music of Now Marathon that kicks off the month-long Composers Now Festival. It’s a day-long event, and we open the 6:00 set.


Friday, December 21
Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, Mass.
I will present a short Chopin recital for the Friends of Irene Adler. Private event.

Monday, December 16
Spectrum, NYC, 7:00 pm

Meet the artists of Periapsis Music and Dance and see a preview of upcoming work at this exclusive benefit soirée.

Friday, December 6
Benzaquen Hall, DiMenna Center for Classical Music, NYC, 8:00 pm

The Association for the Promotion of New Music presents Enemble Pi in a program of winning works of the APNM’s 2012 call for scores. My Three Sketches on Paintings by Regina Guerrero will be performed alongside music by Robert Ceely, Alec Hall, Žibuoklė Martinaitytė, and Carl Schimmel.

Monday, November 11
Elebash Recital Hall, NYC, 7:30 pm (free)

I’ll be joined by choreographers Leigh Schanfein, Lorena Egan, and Hee Ra Yoo for a piano recital, with music by Chopin, James Holt, and me (Trace) set to dance. On the second half of the program I’ll play Schubert’s sublime B-flat sonata, D. 960.

Friday, September 27
UNCG School of Music, Theatre, and Dance Recital Hall, NC, 5:30 pm

Talented pianist Elena Nezhdanova-Cunningham performs a selection of my Trichord Preludes as part of her doctoral recital at UNC Greensboro.

Wednesday, June 26
Dixon Place, NYC, 7:30 pm

I’ll be performing with Periapsis Music and Dance in Leigh Schanfein’s piece Tra:verse Re:verse, with music by Mary Kouyoumdjian.

Tuesday, May 28
Yoo and Dancers at Crossing Boundaries, Dixon Place, NYC, 7:30 pm

I’ll be performing my new piece Trace, with choreography by Hee Ra Yoo, and danced by soloist Leigh Schanfein.

Monday, May 20
Periapsis Music and Dance at AFAC, Brooklyn, 8:00 pm
The same program as on May 16, this time at the Actors Fund Arts Center in Brooklyn.

Thursday, May 16
Periapsis Music and Dance at QNMF, Secret Theatre, 8:00 pm

Three pieces of mine with dance! We will present Crescit eundo, with choreographer Sarah Mettin, Passacaglia, with choreographer Erin Dillon, and Trace, with choreographer Hee Ra Yoo, on Periapsis Music and Dance’s opening night performance at the Queens New Music Festival. This concert will also feature music by Kati Agócs, James Holt, Mary Kouyoumdjian, and Frederic Rzewski, and choreography by Leigh Schanfein, Lorena Egan, and Yesid Lopez.

Sunday, March 17
Bayard Cutting Arboretum, East Islip, New York, 2:00 pm

Daria Rabotkina plays my Novelette in a solo recital on Long Island.

Friday, March 15
LeFrak Concert Hall, Queens College, Flushing, New York, 8:00 pm
Rescheduled from November (due to hurricane): I’ve been invited by Hubert Howe to presentCrux on his program “Friends of Hubert Howe.” Leigh Schanfein will present her choreography with NYC dancers, and the ensemble, made up of Queens College students.

Thursday, February 28
Glinka Museum, Moscow, 7:00 pm
Daria Rabotkina performs my Novelette in Moscow. This is the first time my music will be played in Russia!

Tuesday, February 19
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, 7:30 pm (free)
A concert of new music by various CUNY composers, with dancers and other collaborators. My brand-new piece Passacaglia will be premiered with choreography by Erin Dillon!

Sunday, February 17
Roulette, Brooklyn, New York, 8:00 pm (ticketed event)

The inaugural concert of Periapsis Music and Dance. With music by Robert S. Cohen, Whitney E. George, James Holt, Mary Kouyoumdjian, Dana Dimitri Richardson, Haralabos Stafylakis, and myself, and choreography by Leigh Schanfein, Ian RT Colless, duo Shanna Daly and Sean Hoskins, Alisa Fendley, and Sarah Mettin (winner of our first choreographer call).

Monday, Feburary 11
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, NYC, 7:30 pm (free)

Part of the Composers Now festival, this concert will feature the work of CUNY Graduate Center composers and will include the world premiere of my Fantasy (2011), with Linda Wetherill, flute, and Brian Ellingsen, bass.

Wednesday, January 30
Korean Cultural Service, NYC (more info to come)
I will accompany the wonderful dance company Yoo and Dancers in two pieces, playing the music of Liszt and others.

Saturday, January 26
Atlantic Music Center, Melbourne, Florida, 7:30 pm (ticketed event)
The official world premiere of my Novelette. Daria Rabotkina will perform it on a solo recital at this renowned venue!

Monday, January 7
The Kosciuszko Foundation, NYC
Another “sneak preview” of my Novelette! Daria Rabotnika performs it at a private recital at the Kosciuszko Foundation in advance of the world premiere later in the month!


Friday, December 21, 2012
Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, Mass.
I presented a short Chopin recital for the Friends of Irene Adler. Private event.

Sunday, December 9, 2012
East Meadow Public Library, East Meadow, New York, 2:00 pm (free, but reservations required)

In a “sneak preview” before the January premiere, pianist Daria Rabotkina performed my new work Novelette, which I wrote for her on a Concert Artists Guild commission, on a solo recital.

Monday, December 3, 2012
International House, New York, 7:30 pm (private event)
I performed Ravel’s Tzigane with violinist Elissa Cassini at an alumni event at the International House.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 7:30 pm
I presented solo piano works of Janáček and Chopin and was joined by pianist David Kalhous for 4-hand pieces by Kurtág and Schubert.

Sunday, August 26, 2012
Peridance Capezio Center, New York, 7:30 pm (ticketed event)

Leigh Schanfein and Tucker Davis presented Leigh’s choreography of Marionettenfädendurcheinanderwalzer, accompanied by Sarah Carrier, Ian Shafer, Francis Liu, Rose Bellini, and myself.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 7:00 pm

The world premiere of Advice to Young Musicians, with tenor Chad Cygan, violist Gregory Williams, and accordionist Red Wierenga, on a program of works by other CUNY composers alongside repertoire pieces.

Sunday, May 6, 2012
Greenfield Recital Hall, Manhattan School of Music, 4:00 pm
Violinist Tema Watstein will perform Coda in her own recital of American works at MSM.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 7:30 pm
The Cygnus Ensemble will present works of CUNY composers, including one of my dance pieces with choreographer/dancer Leigh Schanfein and dancer Tucker Davis.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Mary Flagler Cary Hall, DiMenna Center, New York, 7:30 pm

Full concert of my works, including Trichord Preludes, Three Sketches, Meacham Songs, Romance on D and A, Marionettenfädendurcheinanderwalzer, and others!
Leigh Schanfein, dancer/choreographer
Martin Piecuch, conductor
Mary Mackenzie, soprano
Aaron Likness, piano
Bill McNally, piano
Sarah Carrier, flute
Kristin Leitterman, oboe
Alicia Lee, clarinet
Alex Lipowski, percussion
Francis Liu, violin
Tema Watstein, violin
Margaret Dyer, viola
Nathan Schram, viola
Mariel Roberts, cello
Aminda Asher, cello
Tucker Davis, dancer
Mike Hodge, dancer
Paul Monaghan, dancer
Lydia Phillips, dancer
Keelin Ryan, dancer
Lauren Santos, dancer

Monday, March 12, 2012
Elebash Recital Hall, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 7:30 pm

I will perform two of my Trichord Preludes in a program of CUNY composers.

Monday, Feburary 27, 2012
Composers Now Festival, Elebash Hall, NYC, 8:00 pm
Emily Popham Gillins will perform Coda, for solo violin.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Music at St. Luke’s Series, East Hampton, 4:00 pm

Jonathan will play various solo piano works and transcriptions in a program shared with Bill McNally and Christopher Schmitt.